Category: commentary

What Can We Learn from Laggards?

 Laggard – n. One that lags or lingers; a straggler. A few years ago I was working in schools helping to introduce a new behavior management system to teachers. After several months,… Read More

June in Community Psychology

Not once, but twice this week, we had the opportunity to share one of our favorite community psychology stories/parables: Lenny Jason’s classic work in Dog Litter. If you don’t know… Read More

SCRA 2021 Recap

Well, that was different. As many, many, many commentators have noted, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought the promise and challenge of virtual meetings to the forefront. On the one hand,… Read More

June 2021 Retraction Report

The Journals of Cellular Biochemistry and Cellular Physiology continue/accelerate the purge that we talked about last month. Nearly 70 articles between them! You take those away and it’s been a… Read More