Category: commentary

A is for Adaptation

A brief introduction. Implementation science is the study of how to get good ideas into practice. Over the past twenty or so years, there has been a huge amount of… Read More

My favorite thing from NCI

In the US, the major federal funder of implementation science research is the National Cancer Institute. They have a full section, the Consortium for Cancer Implementation Science (CCIS) dedicated to… Read More

A roadmap for community transformation

Nobody ever said change is easy. Community-level change is our best bet for chipping away at pervasive health inequities, yet each community is nestled inside local, regional and national attitudes,… Read More

A Great Purge — July Retraction

Look at this graph! Wow. There’s a huge purge going on at the Journals of Cellular Biochemistry and Physiology. That’s over a hundred articles between them!