New Article! –> Putting all the pieces together.
by Future Historian October 13, 2021Together with colleagues from the Universities of North Carolina Chapel Hill and Charlotte, along with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, we are super stoked to finally see Blending Participatory Action Synthesis and Meta-Ethnography: An Innovative Approach to Evaluating Complex Community Health Transformation in print!
Here’s the plain language gist of this. Community health improvement initiatives can be super complex. There are many different activities, actions, and feedback loops that make understanding and evaluating challenging.
So, this article presents a set of methods drawing from community-based participatory action research and ethnography to synthesize and extract themes. Over the course of many learning cycles, we rolled up learning from dozen of sources to understanding how communities were progressing in their health improvement projects.
It was tough, no bones about it. This method was not easy to do and implement. The added value is in the quality of results, which emerge from the detailed distillation of data over time.
Read all about it here!
Blending Participatory Action Synthesis and Meta-Ethnography: An Innovative Approach to Evaluating Complex Community Health Transformation
Kristin Reed, Tara Carr, Rumana Rabbani, Caroline Chandler, Jonathan Scaccia, Brittany Cook, Paul Howard, Rohit Ramaswamy
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